Speech & Language Therapy
in Hamilton
If you are seeking speech therapy, whether you live in Hamilton or nearby, you are welcome to phone or e-mail me to discuss your speech & language concerns for free, and to see if assessment is appropriate.
I would love to help you and your child. Once we have discussed your concerns and your child’s background history, I use formal assessment (using standardised tests) and informal assessment (play and conversational observations) to find out the difficulties that are impacting your child’s communication and/or learning.Cost
An assessment appointment is $220 (GST included). Initially a 1 hour appointment will be booked for assessment but further assessment may be needed depending on the complexity of difficulties and age of your child. You will be sent a brief e-mail with recommendations following the assessment appointment.
Speech Therapy
Based on the results of assessment, communication and/or learning goals are set together. Playful therapy programs target these goals with your child in speech & language therapy sessions at my clinic in Hamilton. Therapy sessions are aimed to be fun, age appropriate, use your child’s strengths and interests, and enable your child to experience success in each session.
Homework is recommended with activities to work on (such as worksheets for 4+ year old children) between appointments. Seeing me regularly is a catalyst for change, but family support around speech & language communication in daily life is where the change really happens. I highly encourage parent and family participation in practising through the week where possible.
Therapy sessions are typically 30, 45 or 60 minutes depending on the age and attention skills of your child and what communication difficulties we are working on. Therapy sessions are usually recommended weekly. Therapy rates for sessions of 30 mins = $85, 45 mins $120.00, 60 mins = $155 (GST included).